Lots and Lots of Zebra Stripes: Patterns in Nature by Stephen R. Swinburne
Zoe's Hats: A Book of Colors and Patterns by Sharon Lane Holm
Horace by Holly Keller
"Tooty Ta" from Dr. Jean and Friends
Grandma's Glasses
These are grandma’s glasses.
(Make circles around eyes.)
This is grandma’s hat.
(Cup hands and place on head.)
And this is the way she folds her hands and puts them in her lap.
(Fold hands and put them in your lap.)
(Say with a deep voice:)
These are grandpa’s glasses.
(Make circles around eyes.)
This is grandpa’s hat.
(Pretend to put on a hat.)
And this is the way he folds his arms.
(Cross arms and fold.)
Just like that!
"Striped Zebras" from
Lots and Lots of Zebra Stripes: Patterns in Nature by Stephen R. Swinburne
Zoe's Hats: A Book of Colors and Patterns by Sharon Lane Holm
Horace by Holly Keller
Additional Books:
Naughty! by Caroline Castle and pictures by Sam Childs
Dots, Spots, Speckles, and Stripes by Tana Hoban
How Chipmunk Got His Stripes by Joseph Bruchac and James Bruchac and pictures by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey
"Tooty Ta" from Dr. Jean and Friends
Grandma's Glasses
These are grandma’s glasses.
(Make circles around eyes.)
This is grandma’s hat.
(Cup hands and place on head.)
And this is the way she folds her hands and puts them in her lap.
(Fold hands and put them in your lap.)
(Say with a deep voice:)
These are grandpa’s glasses.
(Make circles around eyes.)
This is grandpa’s hat.
(Pretend to put on a hat.)
And this is the way he folds his arms.
(Cross arms and fold.)
Just like that!
"Striped Zebras" from