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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Storytime: Wheels

Family Storytime ages 3-8 with craft.


 A Truck Goes Rattley-Bumpa
A Truck Goes Rattley-Bumpa
by Jonathan London and pictures by Denis Roche

 The Wheels on the Bus
Wheels on the Bus
by Paul Zelinsky

 Nuestro Autobus/ The Bus for Us
The Bus for Us
by Suzanne Bloom

 Red Truck
Red Truck
by Kersten Hamilton and pictures by Valeria Petrone


C-A-R Song
(Tune of "Bingo")

Look at my bright shiny car,
I'm driving it today!
C-A-R, beep, beep.
C-A-R, beep, beep.
C-A-R, beep, beep.
I'm driving it today!


Tube Racer Craft 
Go, Tube Racer, Go!

I punched out holes in the tubes beforehand, and had wheels pre-cut. I had the children decorate the tubes with crayons and stickers and then attach their own wheels. Not as slick-looking as the original, but fit the time constaints for my craft.